
Breda Breakfast

In June, I took a road trip with two friends to Breda, Netherlands. Our fourth friend lives there. She was a great host and the trip was a blast.
The picture above is random but I thought it was a great contrast against the georgous sky. It was on the way, north of Paris.
Our first night we went to a bar next to the Grote Kerk. Sadly, I don't remember the name but it was awesome. They had weizen AND a computer where you could just click the songs you want to hear. It was a free jukebox! Awesome. Here's a couple shots of my travel buddies...

The next day, we had a great Breda Breakfast - courtesy our host, Petra. This was a classic ensemble to pay homage to the Netherlands. Yes, they have plates, bread and eggs in les Pays-Bas.
After breakfast, we took a great boat trip (I don't have any pictures). I drove, Petra gave the verbal tour, Lamb was suffering from some allergies and both he and Celine were carrying umbrellas. I drove exceptionally well, by the way. After the "cruise", we visited the Military Academy or Koninklijke Militaire Academie which happens to be in Breda. I took a couple of pics while there and I actually learned some good stuff.
The first picture is on top of the tower that overlooks the river. On the right, I thought this was a cool lamp on the outside of the main building. After the Academy we visited the Grote Kerk (actually one of the few sites in the Netherlands where there isn't an English option - the Dutch are good about that; Wiki site) which is a church that is also a museum. I only took one picture...it's a cool memorial to Englebrecht II van Nassau and wife Cimburga van Baden. I was impressed as the four men are holding the armor above Englebrecht and Cimburga.

Next, we went to a great bar that served tapas. It was de Baron z'n vriendin Café in the heart of downtown Breda. I loved this place. It wasn't just the place, it was the company, the atmosphere, the food, the beer, the weather. It was just a great late afternoon / evening.
The logo on the menu (L) and our wonderful tapas! Super delicious!
And yes, they had weissbier! Franziskaner is always a good beer. Thanks Deutschland!


Anonymous said...

Bon Apiteat

Anonymous said...

Bon Apiteat. M. p