the store

Several pieces on this site are for sale but you can query me on any piece even if it's not marked for sale. If you have any questions or want to make special arrangements, please don't hesitate to contact me.

How do you buy? Simply contact me via email or with an online form and we can discuss any details and find a payment option that works best for you. This is not automated and if buying an original, I personally pack this pieces to get them to you in good condition.
  • For existing work (on this site), prices are listed.
  • For work not yet created, I normally price by square inch...$1 per square inch + 10% for materials
    • Example: a 16" x 20" is $320 + 10% = $350
    • This is a starting point - prices vary
  • Prints (on canvas, cards, etc.):
    • Almost any artwork can be printed.
    • I use a third party to print so prices and time varies.
    • Cards: custom greetings can be specified.
    • Cards: normally 5 x 7 and come with envelopes
    • These are easy discussions (contact me)
  • Cash, check, PayPal, Venmo are all acceptable, but payment methods can be discussed.
Artwork still available should be tagged "FOR SALE".

Old Poppies, $600 (not yet framed) ----- Doll Top, $800 (not yet framed)

Lazing, $1500 ($1600 framed)

Sprint, $275 ($300 framed)

Midas, $400 ($450 framed) ----- Periwinkle, $300 (framed)

Seaside, $900 ($950 framed) ----- Tight Spot, $700 ($750 framed)

Skyward, $1000 ($1100 framed) ----- Equal Labor, $1000 ($1100 framed)

Lupine Lane, $450 ($500 framed)

The Horses, $500 ($500 framed) ----- Burden, $900 ($1000 framed)

Airman, $400 ($450 framed) ----- Cutting Board, $600 ($650 framed)

Fifteen Right, $400 ($450 framed) ----- Boomer, $400 ($450 framed)

Florida Bovine, $600 (not framed)

Musket Mesa, $400 (not yet framed) ----- Hayden Pass, $400 (not yet framed)

 Sabre Two$300 (framed $350) ----- Jangmi, $200 (framed $250)

Rare View II, $300 (not yet framed)

Pikes Pride, $300 (not yet framed)

Garden Peak, $350 (surface is the frame, 1.5 inch deep)

Handiwork, $200 (framed $250) ----- Drywall Ranch, $200 (framed $250)

Raven Revenge, $300 (framed $350)

Dehydrated, $400 (framed $450)

No Time To Cry, $200 (framed $250) ----- (Avowed Warrior, $275 (framed $300)

Orange Land, $100 (framed $130)

Real Sacrifice, $300 (framed $340) ----- High Plains Bluff, $450 ($500 framed)

Rufus Hunt, $400 (framed $420) ----- Bad Stairwell, $200 (framed $230)

Keep Walking, $300 (framed $330) ----- Pierced One, $400 (framed $450)

Crown of Thorns, $150 ($200 framed)

Lunar Jolt, $250 (not framed) ----- Pikes Fury, $150 ($200 framed)

Discharge, $120 ($150 framed) ----- Erupt, $150 (not yet framed)

Impact, $200 ($250 framed) ----- Sixth Day, $400 ($450 framed)

Cain's Warning, $250 ($300 framed) ----- Gold Blades, $100 ($130 framed)

Places, $250

Industrial Moon, $130 ($150 framed) ----- Starfighter Tempest, $180 ($200 framed)

Long Mount, $600 ($650 framed) ----- Part Buttercup, $140 (framed)

Buffalo County, $400 ($450 framed) --- Steampunk SP, $400 ($450 framed)

Bindii, $200 ($240 framed)

Migration - $170 ($200 framed) ----- Purple Pilgrims 2 - $250 ($275 framed)

King Sixty, $100 (120 framed) ----- Love Ravine, $120

Hero Field, $200 ----- Butterflies, $250 ($300 framed)

Olive Eye, $150 ($175 framed) ----- Drizzle Cemetery, $100 ($120 framed)

Orca Ranch, $150 ($180 framed) ----- Darling Grove, $150

Graywood, $150 ----- Blackwood, $150

Thunderhead Basin, $1200 ($1300 framed)

God's Gold, $100 ($120 framed)

Kimberbug, $50 ($75 framed) ----- Wild White, $50 ($75 framed)

Chief Goliath, $100 ($125 framed)

Long Ride, $300 ($350 framed)

Dandelion, $75 ($95 framed) ----- Ancient Friend, $150 ($175 framed)

Sailboat, $130 ($150 framed)

Time to Go, $400 ($450 framed)

Buttons, $350 ($380 framed) ----- Magenta Lining - $90 ($100 framed)

Magenta Shade - $95 (framed) -----  Slider - $130 ($150 framed)

Jericho, $300 ($350 framed)

Black Forest, $350 ($400 framed)

That City, $300 ($350 framed)

Cliffs of Rena - $150 ~~~~~ Eight Track - $150 ($200 framed)

Sunflower Night - $75 ($100 framed) ~~~~~ Toucan - $75 ($100 framed)

Sunflower Study 02, $150 ($180 framed) ~~~~~ Road to Raymond House, $200 ($250 framed)

How to Ruin a Prairie, $150 ($175 framed) ~~~~~ Waiting for You, $250 ($300 framed)

More Apartments$100 ($120 framed) ~~~~~ Japanese Cliff - $120 ($150 framed)

West Bales, $250 ($275 framed) ~~~ Hoover D - $220 ($250 framed)

K-Bales, $300 ($340 framed) ~~~~~ Colorado Nebraska 01, $200 ($230 framed)

Bridge Life, $100 ($120 framed) ----- Transition, $150

Christy's Hope - $150 ----- Legion - $150

A-Hawk - $150 ~~~~~ Christmas Crow, $120 ($140 framed)

Christmas Grain, $100 ($120 framed) ----- Christmas Mill, $80

Christmas Crosses, $120 ($150 framed)

Christmas Crab - $100 ----- Monster, $300 ($350 framed)

- mm -

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