
Salon du Bourget

We attended the 50th Salon du Bourget at the Bourget Airport in mid June. It was a great show.  Of note (in my opinion), the Airbus A300M gave a pretty good show, the A380 was impressive, and it's always cool to see almost any plane up close (on display). I was happy to see the A380 fly as I'd only seen it on the ground and it was painted in the colors of British Airways so it looked great. One couldn't taken hundreds of pics, but I kept it to the SU-35 (I like their lines but they're too big), a GE engine (because I dig GE), and my ticket.

The massive (for a fighter) SU-35

This is the GE-9X or the GEnx series ... pretty sweet.

Our ticket for the day. They had our names on it so we felt VIPish.

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