
Secret World of Moss : 2015-08

Seattle Moss (November 2017)
In a separate post, Seattle Birthday | 2017-11

German Moss (October 2017)

Nebraska Moss (18 June 2017)

 This little forest (above) is on a brick in Nebraska. Lots of good moss there, but I didn't get many good pics. I zoomed out (below) just to appreciate/show the perspective and size.

Another forest of sorts - this one seems to be more coniferous. About 1/4" tall.


 Taken in Trier (20161027). These are as not quite as fantasy world as earlier shots, but cool in their own right. My favorite part is the 'canyon' they're in. That canyon might be 1/2 inch deep.


I am intrigued by moss. Where do I start? It normally lives in the shade (or cooler areas) which I also like, it makes things look soft, and it's incredibly detailed and intricate if you're willing to pay attention. But one of the most fascinating things is, when zoomed in, you can lose perspective and almost enter another world. Very Narnia-like.

This was in Frisco and encapsulates exactly what I mean by another world. Are those trees in the background and giant stones separated by rolling hills? No, this is less than about 12 inches. Love it. 

Also taken in Frisco, I like how the out-of-focus flowers lead you into a massive field of green.

This turned out fantastic! Makes me think of the amazing landscapes in Ireland or Scotland. The surprise factor - not knowing how these pics will turn out or what feelings they will invoke - is just another thing I really like about moss. 

This is another favorite. Great expanse with a cool landscape in the background.
Just invites you to frolic in that "field". 

This one (and the following pics) was taken in Colorado Springs and is a great contrast
between the soft green and the mountainous backdrop. 

This was a cool "structure". Cliffs shrouding a nice green field or just some broken tree?
The later. This entire scene is about 5-6 inches across.  

For some perspective, I asked Bella if she would put her "giant" hand in the scene.
She's about 19 months old - so now you have perspective.  

The only thing I'd add is, the next time you see some moss, Take a moment to actually look at it. I think you will be amazed at the patterns, the flowers, and the incredible intricacy of moss. Who would've imagined, right?
NOTE: Click here to see other posts with moss.

- mm -

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