
2018-06 : D-Day and SFRA

I made my first SFRA flight with John D.  John is a great guy and perfect partner for a first incursion into Washington DC's SFRA (Special Flight Rules Area).  After 9-11, this has become a deal.  The cool thing is (and I thank John for this), if you just make yourself do it, it's much less foreboding.  The summary is you have to get a transponder code before you can enter.  The last thing you want is to be the GA aircraft that initiates a scramble.  Our destination was Lee Airport (KANP).  Cool, small airport, but surprisingly busy and with a good selection of aircraft...and we flew on D-Day.

this is before departing Lee...it was a beautiful evening

same time of day, but a close up of Lee's signage

- mm -

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