
2018-06 : Multi Engine Piston

So I've flown multi engine airplanes but they've all been jets and 'limited to center thrust'.  That means they have no Vmc (or the minimal controllable airspeed with the critical engine inoperative).  Or said even another way, the loss of an engine doesn't really effect how it flies.  All that said, the point is I finally flew an aircraft that does have a Vmc, and is in the classic twin-engine piston group of airplanes.  Did it in 2064V.  Good, nice-flying, 39 year-old airplane.  I flew with Mark H, and it was a very nice flight/day.  I needed the checkout so I could fly a few weeks later in support of some Navy SH-60 Seahawk helicopters from Helicopter Maritime Strike Weapons School Atlantic or HELMARSTRIKEWEPSCOLANT (HSMWSL). The Navy just mashes words together although the S and M are switched...should be HMSWSL.

this is 140S (flown for the missions) but the same as 2064V.

- mm -

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