
Dragonmans and Madison : 2024-09

We had been wanting to go to Dragonmans for awhile and finally made it just after the Labor Day weekend. It is one of those places that you have to see to appreciate. We kind of knew that but it quickly becomes clear when you visit. It has a massive collection of war memorabilia.

Near the entrance of Dragonmans. To get there, you pass about 30 danger/no trespassing/warning signs.

Overlooking one of their dozens of vehicles.
If you're in the area and the timing works, go see Dragonmans!

A couple of interesting / eerie gasmasks.

I also made it to Madison WI, thanks to one of my trips. I'd never been there and it was nice.
I had some time to walk around and popped into the capitol building.

A couple more shots of the capitol.

Many cool houses and buildings in the area. This apartment building, the Quisling Terrace, really grabbed my attention. I thought it's lines were perfect.

The hotel, the Edgewater, was very nice and a shot of a rather nice jet.

- mm -

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