

I visited Washington DC over President's Day weekend and saw some great stuff. A definite highlight was the NGA (National Gallery of Art). The gallery has two wings (west, east) but you can do it justice in one visit (unlike several galleries in Europe). They have cool pamphlets titled "LESS THAN AN HOUR?" which suggest things you really should see if on limited time. Even if you have more than an hour, they include maps of the wings. Although it was February 2011, they were still using the spring, summer, fall 2010 versions. I've included them for reference:
Summer 2010 (west) | Fall 2010 (west) | Spring/Summer 2010 (east)

Why were these used as the links? Left to right: da Vinci's Ginevra is the only da Vinci in America; Bernini's Monsignor Francesco Barberini because I cannot deny Bernini (reference The Surprise of David) and Mondrian's Tableau No. IV usually sparks the comment 'I could do that' (but you didn't).
Things we missed (because of time, and shown in order below) Matisse, Pollock, (this is also a cool  Pollock site - you can paint) Lichtenstein and Cezanne. We'll get them next time:


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