
Departure Trolley

I visited San Fran and Phyllis was nice enough to visit on Saturday. She made the trip more fun.  We visited the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art and the California Academy of Sciences.  And we ate at California Pizza Kitchen - which was cool.  Biggest beef with the weekend...the California Academy of Sciences promotes to their audiences (kids included, and without reservation) the big bang and evolution.  No other options.  Just those options.  And I assume California has blessed this conduct.  We took a trolly from the California Academy of Sciences to downtown.  It was cool.
The Museum of Modern Art was great.  There is a lot to see and it's a well-maintained facility.  The museum, among others, had works from Matisse, Warhol and Picasso, but the reality of the specific works at the SFMOMA is just another reminder, that these artists made some fantastic work and, at the same time, made some less-than-average work.  We just tend to ignore those works.  The works less famous.  I liked the buildings and seeing them with Phyllis made the experience even better.  She was patient, a good calm to my temper, and another perspective on art.  I thought these paintings from Clyfford Still were great:
Both of these are "Untitled", 1960

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