
Hôtel de Ville : 2013-06

Field trip to City Hall, or l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris. I didn't think this visit would be very good, but like most buildings in Paris, there are definitely things to see. I didn't write down any of the names of these paintings, but here are some that caught my eye...

The hall where we had our welcome brief was quite impressive. It's amazing to think of rooms like this - with all their space - that are often almost empty.

On the left is a detail of the center of the main hall (first picture). On the right is on the ceiling of another room. Being from Nebraska I had to take it. It's like a classic tribute to the farmer. Look  how happy he is. It can be good to work with your hands and be outside. Sometimes I miss it.

There was a Rodin on display. I think in the same room as the farmer above. But, as mentioned, I didn't write down the name of the work. I had to take a pic of the scene on the right as it seemed almost out of place. I like the moon a lot, but don't like taking pictures far away - poor quality. Below isn't my "ticket", but is the pamphlet they hand out if you visit.

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