
Japanese Cliff : 2023-01

Japanese Cliff
24 January 2023
Acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches (41 x 51 cm)

This painting was from a sketch for a potential 2002 Christmas card, but the sketch was from an outing in Japan. We climbed the face of this cliff and it was one of those times you realized how high you've gone when it's time to descend...and I never remember the steps. It was a cool cliff with a surface only interrupted by by a few cracks and a couple trees reaching from the cracks. I'm glad I finally painted it.

This painting started on another repurposed canvas. This might look familiar since Waiting for You also started on a similar scene - likely from the same painting event. The initial, fun part - experimenting with random colors for the sky. The green didn't feel like it was going to work, so in came the blue.

Next, I added the basic rock formation and threw in some crooks and crannies with a pallet knife. Then began the search for the right color of rock which took quite awhile (many versions). I kind of still like the above right and below left versions of the cliff.

Getting a little frustrated with finding the right color, I finally laid down a solid color on the left side of the cliff and re-brightened the right side.  Added the branches and finished the final version with the foliage and lighter clouds.

This painting is in a frame very similar to this one.

- mm -

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