
Flowers, Bugs and Camping : 2023-08

Kimberly was working and house sitting at her dad's house and there is an area with some great wild flowers. Since I was in the search mode for smaller painting subjects I thought I'd snap some inspiration. The phone cameras continue to amaze me, but there are times I'd like to have my SLR. I don't like carrying it around - maybe I should keep it in the car.

The next day, we went camping on the land of Kim's friend. It is a beautiful spread and the
night lighting was perfect for watching the meteor shower. We saw some and it was great!

On the way back from camping we stopped at May Natural History Museum. The name is a bit confusing since the sign on the road reads "Museum of Tropical Insects". It's not the most glamourous building, but the collection was impressive. They have 7000 bugs and other oddities. Definitely worth the stop if you're ever in the area. I have to admit, the sign worked. It got our attention and luckily K is up for almost anything so it was an easy decision.

This the giant bug and sign on Highway 115.

Two of my favorites. The Elephant Beetle (Megasoma elephas) on the left and the Goliathus cacicus or Chief Goliath on the right. The Chief Goliath is from 12 May 1909!

I could have taken hundreds of butterfly pics but I tried to get the fanciest. These two are pretty amazing. The one on the left is from 22 April 1922 and on the right, 12 May 1933.

The Scarabaeidae collection was amazing and their colors are sometimes hard to believe.
The beetle on the left is from the State of Aragua. In the center, a beetle from South
Malabar, 13 July 1921. On the right, one from south Mexico on 04 April 1936.

This cicada was in perfect condition for being over 100 years old. It is from
Cape York, north Australia and was collected on 06 May 1921.

What a great weekend!
- mm -

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