
Chief Goliath : 2023-08

Chief Goliath, 16 August 2023
Acrylic on board
4x6 in (10.2 x 15.2 cm)

Kimberly and I visited the John May Museum Center (or Museum of Tropical Insects) and what a perfect subject for a smaller painting. I was still searching for subjects as I was trying to make some paintings for an art call which allowed nothing larger than 25 square inches. I already had Purple Rew but wanted a few more pieces. I had three remaining frames so three was the target. I went with Chief Goliath for the second piece. I think it matched the frame very well.

The final painting in the modified frame. The gif below shows the original frame. I flipped it around because it was hiding too much of the beetle. I scuffed it up and added some vegetable oil.

Gifs of the progress - tried one with the frames this time.
About ten days had passed by the time I found the right subject.

- mm -

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