
One Lane : 2023-12

One Lane
07 December 2023
Acrylic on canvas
14.25 x 22.375 in (36.2 x 56.8 cm)
- SOLD -

This was originally a bridge scene and I wanted to paint another face - because I need all the practice I can get. I had some sketches from the 80s and thought they'd be a good reference. Some were labeled but the one I used wasn't although I think it was Lane. Since the original painting was a bridge "One Lane" seemed to work out well as a title. I was trying to let go of some inibition and make it look like the sketch. It drifted off a bit, but I'm okay with the result.

The original sketch (in Sketches, General) and a gif showing the progress.
It was about 33 days since I bought it but only about seven days of active painting.

- mm -

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