
Avowed Warrior : 2024-05

Avowed Warrior
12 May 2024
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 30 in (60.9 x 76.2 cm)

He knows he's a warrior.

This painting evolved over a year. It started as a place to rid my brushes of unused paint. I was painting another face at the time, so I just had fun with it. He had been hanging around for so long, I couldn't paint over him and though it time to finish and frame him. It's what this type of warrior would want. I focused on the nose and the chin-up stance because he's somewhat of a proud warrior. The uniform contrasting with the face paint makes us think he might be a self-appointed warrior/leader. Regardless, he was able to get his portrait painted and that should sit well with him.

This gif covers 349 days. It sat since July 2023, but the final touches and frame were in a day.

I was torn between an ornate frame or a stout frame. I went with the stout version but added some corner decorations - something a little 'ornate stout'.

- mm -

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