
Bishop Castle : 2023-01

Kimberly surprised me with a road trip to Bishop Castle. What a cool place - and climbing around is encouraged! We had incredible weather and helped each other when the trust in rod iron got a little thin. Right when we pulled up, I could tell it was going to be fun. Anyplace where you park on the road and get in for free can't be too bad.

This was the welcome when we parked.

This is the main room - kind of like a cathedral.  The lighting and windows and ceiling were all impressive. We turned out dark, but I think this is a great picture.

Us at the other end of the 'cathedral'.

Us on the bridge which you can see it on the second to last picture. Above right is the tallest spire taken from the bridge.  You can climb all the way to the top and stand just below that metal cone. The bridge we're standing on is made out of rod iron and you can be sure it moves - a lot!

The main room with no humans. The vertical panes can be twisted to let air flow through - very cool. This turned out to be a great shot of the castle. Even if you don't find it aesthetically appealing, you can appreciate the amount of work required to make a castle.

I thought this was a very nice tribute to the Master of creativity. This was a great adventure and I can't thank Kimberly enough!

- mm -

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