
More Apartments : 2023-01

More Apartments
11 January 2023
Acrylic on canvas
8 x 10 inches

It seems my town is building apartments every day - literally, everyday unless it's a holiday or bad weather.  They're changing the scenery and consuming almost any patch of dirt that will hold them - at least that's how they make me feel. The gray sky reflects the predominate mood and the bleak horizon indicates no end to development. While the buildings add their own flavor of geometry and symmetry, they are, in the end, ugly. Replacing dilapidated structures is one thing. Replacing grass is quite another.

The impetus to start was a smaller canvas which held a sketch from about two years ago. I wanted to put it to better use so I thought I'd make an abstract piece.  The phases are below...

The first run (left) was a sampling of some metallic paints I have - just to try them. For a moment, I was entertaining painting a face (center). My initial laydown of structures (right).

Adding more definition (left), adding more colors (center) and darkening the structures (right).

Lightening the sky (left) but went with a smoother gray sky (center) and continued to define the apartments (center and left). The final has a darker horizon and sharper edges in the apartments.

The hand-made wooden black frame.

- mm -

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