
South Dakota and Chicken : 2023-08

Kimberly and I took a flight to Hot Springs SD.
We wanted to check it out as it might be a future destination.
K is good for me to push Belle a bit. This was the furthest I'd taken her.

Some cool alien work on the way.

Action shots of Kimberly at the helm.

A creek boarders the runway - which is nice - and it's a great little airfield.
The town itself is about ten minutes northwest into the hills.
It was a fun visit and the people at the airport were very nice, but it was really hot.

This is a great picture of Kimberly. She looks so happy and the sun adds a great touch.
If you noticed the different shirt, it's a local flight a couple days later.

We had a great sky for an end-of-the-day flight!

I never thought I'd meet the Colonel - I thought he had passed.  What luck!

- mm -

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